Idlewild Lodge - - 1932-01-28 - Windsor Beacon - Stump Inn Fire

1932-01-28 – Windsor Beacon – Stump Inn Fire

Cottage Where Windsor People Are Guests Burns To Ground Sunday Eve

Cottage Where Windsor People Are Guests Burns To Ground Sunday Eve "Stump Inn" cottage at Harding Heights, in the Thompson canon, burned to the ground Sunday evening because of the explosion of a kerosene oil lamp. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Launchbaugh and son, Billy Bob, of Windsor witnessed the fire but were powerless to save the cabin. They had spent the day with Mrs. Launchbaugh's sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hamilton, at the cottage. The two families were preparing to leave and all had left the cabin except Mr. Hamilton, who accidentally placed a kerosene lamp too near the edge of a table. It upset and exploded. The cabin of Mrs. L. E. Ver Husen's parents was threatened by the flames, but a bucket brigade was formed and carried water from "The Wild's" cabin some distance away, saving the cottage that was in danger.

Ed Wild
J. E. Hamilton
L. E. Ver Husen

Date: 1932-01-28
Location: Idlewild, Loveland, Colorado, USA

"Cottage Where Windsor People Are Guests Burns To Ground Sunday Eve". Windsor Beacon [Windsor, Colorado, USA], 28 Jan. 1932, Ancestry,

MLA Format
Dauth Family Archive. "1932-01-28 – Windsor Beacon – Stump Inn Fire." Dauth Family Archive, 28 Jan. 2023, Accessed 4 Jul. 2023.

APA Format
Dauth Family Archive. (2023, January 28) 1932-01-28 – Windsor Beacon – Stump Inn Fire. Retrieved July 4, 2023, from

Chicago Format
Dauth Family Archive. "1932-01-28 – Windsor Beacon – Stump Inn Fire." Dauth Family Archive. January 28, 2023. Accessed July 4, 2023.