Idlewild Lodge - - 1961-07-21 - The Estes Park Trail -  Guests at Appleby And Ritz Motels

1961-07-21 – The Estes Park Trail – Guests at Appleby And Ritz Motels

At the Appleby Motel we find Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pagel and daughter, Kay, of Tama, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Dick Scanlon and daughter, Dixie Lee, of Clinton, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Martel Morrow of Independence, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Woods of Abilene, Kansas. The Ritz Motel reports Mr. and Mrs. Jack Parr and family of Wiley, Texas; Mr. and Mrs. Jesse McGuire of Dallas, Tex.; Mr and Mrs. Jack Morris of Wiley, Texas her now. Mr. and Mrs. George Stefens and daughter, Margo, of Riverside, California who were here earlier in the summer, returned to the Ritz the first of the week to "rest up" before starting home. They have been in Calif and enjoyed a trip to Hawaii. They will leave for the east this weekend.

Date: 1961-07-21
Location: Idlewild, Loveland, Colorado, USA

The Estes Park Trail [Estes Park, Colorado, USA], 21 Jul. 1961, p. 8. Colorado Historic Newspapers Collection. Colorado State Library,

MLA Format
Dauth Family Archive. "1961-07-21 – The Estes Park Trail – Guests at Appleby And Ritz Motels." Dauth Family Archive, 28 Jan. 2023, Accessed 4 Jul. 2023.

APA Format
Dauth Family Archive. (2023, January 28) 1961-07-21 – The Estes Park Trail – Guests at Appleby And Ritz Motels. Retrieved July 4, 2023, from

Chicago Format
Dauth Family Archive. "1961-07-21 – The Estes Park Trail – Guests at Appleby And Ritz Motels." Dauth Family Archive. January 28, 2023. Accessed July 4, 2023.