Shortly after purchasing Idlewild Lodge in 1921, George Dauth sold Idlewild Lot 1 and part of Lot 2 to the John Edwin Jones family.11921-08-08 – Loveland Reporter

Geo. Dauth to J. E. Jones, $500, part L 1 and 2, Idle Wild Subdivision.21921-08-08 – Loveland Reporter

Loveland Reporter – August 8, 1921

The Jones were family friends from Greeley that were in many of the same clubs and organizations as the Dauths. They had a son and daughter the same age as George’s children, and whom would graduate in the same class at Greeley High.

Idlewild Lodge - - 1921 - Elizabeth Dauth and Elizabeth Jones at Idlewild Lodge

Elizabeth Jones, daughter of John Jones, on left. Elizabeth Dauth, daughter of George Dauth at right. Photo taken summer of 1921 just after John Jones purchased Lot 1.

Idlewild Lodge - - 1921 - Elizabeth Jones At Idlewild

Elizabeth Jones hiking behind Idlewild, 1921.

Idlewild Lodge - - 1921 - Elizabeth Dauth and Elizabeth Jones at Idlewild

Elizabeth Jones and Elizabeth Dauth in front of Idlewild Lodge, 1921.

On Lot 1 was the cabin owned by Clyde Turkington. The Jones would use this cabin for about a year before it was destroyed by an accidental fire.3 1923-02-27 – The Fort Collins Courier

A cabin at Idlewild, belonging to J. E. Jones of Greeley was totally destroyed together with the furnishings Saturday night by a fire of unknown origin. Members of the family were at the cabin during the day.4 1923-02-27 – The Fort Collins Courier

The Fort Collins Courier – February 27, 1923

Unfazed by the disaster, the Jones would rebuild. Over the next years they constructed a new two story cabin, which they named the Cambrian Lodge.51933-08-09 – Greeley Daily Tribune

Idlewild Lodge - - Circa 1925 - Idlewild Lodge - Look east at the newly planted cherry

Looking east at the newly completed Cambrian Lodge at the end of the drive. The Luther home sits second farthest back, and Idlewild Lodge is closest at left. Photo taken c. 1925.

The initial design of the Cambrian Lodge had a small entrance porch, which is visible in the above photo. By 1928 a full sitting porch was added, along with a stone ramp walkway.

Idlewild Lodge - - Circa 1928 - Idlewild Lodge - Looking south at Idlewild

The Cambrian Lodge at left after a sitting porch and ramp walkway were built c. 1928. The newly completed pond at Idlewild is also visible between Idlewild Lodge and DAMFINO.

Idlewild Lodge - - Circa 1930 - Idlewild - Looking West At Idlewild Lodge, DAMFINO And

A photo taken from the hill behind Cambrian Lodge c. 1930. Idlewild Lodge is the farthest building back, the Luther’s DAMFINO at center, and the Jone’s Cambrian Lodge in the forefront.

The Jones initially used the Cambrian Lodge as a private guest house for family and close friends.

Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jones spent Sunday at their cabin in the Idlewild group in the Big Thompson canon. Their cabin located at a vantage point from the road, Mr. and Mrs. Jones noted the unusually heavy traffic Sunday, stating that there was the largest number of cars which they had ever seen at this time of year. The mild weather combined with the attraction of the ski tournament drew many people to Estes Park.61931-03-18 – Greeley Daily Tribune

Greeley Daily Tribune – March 18, 1931

Mrs. Frank Ewing, Mrs. W. H. Wood, Mrs. Carson Gilbert and family and Miss Marie Bellino drove to the mountains Sunday for a picnic dinner. They were guests at the mountain home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jones for the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs Jones, Harold Jones and George Dauth, Jr., spent the day at the Jones cabin.71931-03-23 – Greeley Daily Tribune

Greeley Daily Tribune – March 23, 1931

Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jones and their son, Harold, were at their cabin, Cambrian Lodge, in Idle Wild Sunday.81933-08-09 – Greeley Daily Tribune

Greeley Daily Tribune – August 9, 1933

As the years went by, the Jones began hosting events for groups that they were involved with, including the Shamrock Club, N.O.L. Bridge Club, and Woden Bridge Club.

Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jones entertained members of the Shamrock club and their husbands at their lovely mountain home in Idle Wild at a delicious 1 o’clock luncheon on Sunday. Tables were decorated with nasturtiums and mountain flowers. Large bunch of columbine was presented each woman by Mr. Wild, neighbor of the Joneses. Afternoon was spent in viewing various flower gardens in yards of the neighbors. Those who attended: Mr. and Mrs. Bert Miller of Denver, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Kepper, Mr and Mrs. Ervin Cannon, Harold Jones, Betty Ann Cannon, Dorothy Jenn Custer, Jessie Danilson, Messrs and Mesdames H. H. Cron, E. R. Custer, J. E. Jones, John Jame, M. H. Lowe, Moses Stone, L. C. Vanderliip, Ira Hathaway, E. H. English, and W. D Shaffer, Mesdames P. E. Boyle, J. D. Pelter and Charles Nelly.91933-06-19 – Greeley Daily Tribune

Greeley Daily Tribune – June 19, 1933

Entertaining at luncheon at the Forks Hotel and at bridge at her mountain cabin at Idle Wild, Mrs. J. E. Jones was hostess to the N.O.L. club Thursday. Mrs. E. R. Keppler, Mrs. Le Roy Halt, Mrs Elizabeth Cannon, Marjorie Hait and Betty Anne Cannon were guests, and the club members present were Mesdames Charles Hansen, Robert E. Hanna, W. E Benton, George Van Sickle, J. W. Hill, Will Patterson, R. G. Andrews, Albert Luther, and the hostess. Mrs. Charles Hansen and Mrs. W. E. Benton won high and low honors respectively. Mrs. Van Sickle will be another who entertains the club this spring in the mountains, inviting members to her cabin at Glen Haven May 24.101934-05-11 – Greeley Daily Tribune

Greeley Daily Tribune – May 11, 1934

Mrs. Charles Meyer and Mrs. Marion Rosenbaum became members of the Woden club at a Wednesday meeting, at which Mrs. Howard Bell entertained in her apartment at the Strubel. Luncheon at Luncheon Lane preceded the afternoon of bridge. Mrs. Laurel Vanderhoof, Mrs. Everett Bush and Mrs. Larry Clark scored high, second and low respectively. Mrs. Herbert Davey was a guest of the club, which on July 11 will lunch at the Forks hotel and play bridge at the J. E. Jones cabin in Idle Wild, as guests of Mrs. Irving Cannon.111934-06-29 – Greeley Daily Tribune

Greeley Daily Tribune – June 29, 1934

Although the Cambrian Lodge was quickly becoming a well known venue, after the 1930s, the Joneses would only use it as a summer home.

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John Jones, owner of the Cambrian Lodge, stands at its entrance c. 1937.12c. 1937 – John Jones In Front Of The Jones Cabin

Idlewild Lodge - - Circa 1935 - Idlewild - Looking south at Idlewild Lodge, DAMFINO An

A long exposure photo taken from a hill north of Idlewild c. 1935. Idlewild Lodge is at right, the Luther’s DAMFINO at center, and the Jone’s Cambrian Lodge at left.

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Elizabeth Jones riding a horse at Idlewild near the Cambrian Lodge c. 1937.13c. 1937 – Elizabeth Jones Riding Horse At Idlewild

Idlewild Lodge - - Circa 1935 - Idlewild - Looking South At Idlewild Lodge, DAMFINO An

A photo taken from a hill north of Idlewild c. 1940. Idlewild Lodge is at right, the Luther’s DAMFINO at center, and the Jone’s Cambrian Lodge at left.

The Joneses would own the Cambrian Lodge up into 1960s. After the passing of John Jones in 1962, the family sold the property to Dr. Jacob Zuidema.141962-11-02 – Thes Estes Park Trail

Dr. Zuidema was a long time resident of the canyon and family friend of the Dauths who wanted to have a home that overlooked the Big Thompson River. In the process of creating his new dream home the Cambrian Lodge was taken down.