
Harvey Witwer’s Idlewild


September 29th, 1911

Harvey Ervin Witwer Buys Idlewild Lot 3

Harvey Witwer, son of Elizabeth Studebaker, buys Idlewild Lot 3, which includes the cabin that would later be known as "Idlewild Lodge."
A M Swan and J A Hill to Harvey E Witwer, lot 3 Idlewild; $300

Weekly Courier – September 29, 1911

October 12th, 1911

Harvey Ervin Witwer Buys Idlewild Lot 4 and Part Lot 2

Harvey Witwer and wife, Bertha Stow, buy Idlewild Lot 4 and part of Lot 2 from Maryette Bartholf, mother of Ella Van Bramer.
Idlewild Lodge - idlewildlodge.github.io - 1911-10-12 - The Fort Collins Express - Mary Bartholf sells Idlewild to Harvey Witwer

Bartholf, Maryette - Witwer, Harvey E & Bertha S, $1; L 4 & pt L 2 Idle Wild sub.

The Fort Collins Express - October 12, 1911


August 2nd, 1912

Lathrop Cooley Stow Buys Idlewild Lot 5

Lathrop Cooley Stow, father of Harvey Witwer's wife Bertha Stow, purchases Idlewild Lot 5.
C S Ickes to L C Stow - pt L5 Idle Wild sub; $300

Weekly Courier - August 2, 1912


April 4th, 1918

Harvey Witwer Attempts to Sell Idlewild

Harvey Witwer now owns the entire Idlewild homestead and attempts to sell it.
Idlewild Lodge - idlewildlodge.github.io - 1918-04-04 - Loveland Daily Herald - H.E

My friend, H. W. Witner [Witwer] from Greeley, has placed in my hands for quick disposal, his summer resort and stock ranch property, known as "Idlewild." Three well furnished cottages; one two-story cottage has bath and spring water piped into house; 160 acres fine pasture land with barn. Will sell separately or altogether. Make good home or paying summer property. A real bargain (Rev.) J. E. LYNN, Phone Love. 189

Loveland Daily Herald - April 4, 1918

June 20th, 1918

Idlewild Bridge Damaged

A flash flood and heavy truck destroy the Idlewild bridge.
Idlewild Lodge - idlewildlodge.github.io - 1918-06-20 - Loveland Daily Herald - Bridge collapse at Idlewild


Special to the Daily Herald. Drake, Colo., June 20 3. p.m. A cloudburst this afternoon above and below the Forks hotel raised the Big Thompson river several feet, submerging bridges and running over roads. The bridge at Idlewild collapsed under the weight of a downcoming truck, leaving the truck partly in the river. The driver was unhurt. Water was running deep over the bridge as the car approached. The driver was guided in crossing by the bridge trusses. Just as he was leaving the bridge it fell tru under the truck, leaving the rear end in the river. Later the entire bridge was washed way. For temporary use a footbridge is being placed over the river. The water is running over the road in many places, cutting it badly.


January 5th, 1920

Idlewild Road Moved

The Riley Road that once passed through Idlewild Subdivision was moved to the north side of the river.
Idlewild Lodge - idlewildlodge.github.io - 1920-01-05 - Fort Collins Courier - Idlewild road move to other side of river


Contractor Swanson, who is at work on the Big Thompson Canon road, is authority for the statement that the road at Idlewild will be changed to the north side of the river in order to eliminate the two bridges which are now maintained. The road above the Forks is frozen so hard that work will have to be abandoned there until spring. The Large rocks which have hung over several turns in the road have been blasted out and the road is made wide enough to permit two cars to pass each other in safety.

Fort Collins Courier - January 5, 1920

January 9th, 1920

Vandalism at Idlewild

Vandals break into Idlewild Lodge, destroying doors, furniture, lights, and dishes.
Idlewild Lodge - idlewildlodge.github.io - 1920-01-09 - Fort Collins Courier - Vandalism at Whitwer's Idlewild


Outrages committed upon cabins in the Poudre Canon have been duplicated and even exceeded by vandals in the canon of the Big Thompson. The cabins owned by Mr. Whitwer at Idlewild were broken into one day last week, the intruders breaking every lock leading into the main building, destroyed the bedding and fixtures in every room, broke up the dishes and even went to the extent of breaking up the furniture for firewood. As the owner has not been able to visit the cabin for an examination it has not been determined whether or not robbery was committed. The hoodlums completed their work by leaving the sign: “We have left it as a we found it. Bill Carlisle and Co.” The extent of the damages is estimated at $75. Information is being sought to lead to the conviction of the cabin breakers.

Fort Collins Courier – January 9, 1920

July 1st, 1920

Harvey Witwer sells Idlewild Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 to George Dauth

Witwer, Harvey E et al – Dauth, George, $2500; pt Ls 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 et al, Idle Wild Subdiv.

Fort Collins Courier – July 1, 1920